Find Your North Node, Find Your Purpose✨ Part 2: The Houses


In astrology, your north node tells you the energy you need to embody in order to achieve your purpose and to feel fulfilled. If you’ve been feeling stuck, facing a lot of resistance, or just want to feel more flow and ease in your life, working with your north node will help you!

If you look up your birth chart, the north node is the symbol that looks like a horseshoe. Your south node—energy and actions to avoid—looks like an upside-down horseshoe.


Look at the *zodiac sign* your north node is in to see HOW you should be living your life.

Look at the *house* your north node is in to see WHAT you should focus on.

Keep reading to find the house your north node is in to see WHAT you should focus on. Go here to find the zodiac sign your north node is in to see HOW you should be living your life.

1st House

Focus on discovering yourself and knowing who you are at a deep level. You might be drawn to things that are related to identity, personality, the body, personal style, and self-expression.

2nd House

Focus on your self-worth. You might be drawn to things that are related to finance, values, material goods, and possessions.

3rd House

Focus on communication. You might be drawn to things that are related to social media, public speaking, writing, short travel, siblings, teaching, and learning.

4th House

Focus on building a strong foundation in your life. You might be drawn to things that are related to emotions, family, ancestry, and home.

5th House

Focus on fun and creativity. You might be drawn to things that are related to art, creative projects, romance, passion, and hobbies.

6th House

Focus on health and wellness. You might be drawn to things that are related to routines, habits, nutrition, day-to-day practical things, service, working environments, and pets.

7th House

Focus on relationships and getting to know others on a deep level. You might be drawn to things related to marriage, close relationships, business partnerships, contracts, and negotiations.

8th House

Focus on business or the metaphysical. You might be drawn to things related to healing, intimacy, astrology, mediumship, transformation, taxes, loans, insurance, and advising others.

9th House

Focus on higher education and world-wide affairs. You might be drawn to things related to ethics, morals, philosophy, international affairs, publishing, law, religion, and travel.

10th House

Focus on being seen and your career or reputation. You might be drawn to things related to authority, ambition, fame, and making a name for yourself.

11th House

Focus on social groups and goals. You might be drawn to things related to friendship, community, networking, and goals and objectives.

12th House

Focus on spirituality. You might be drawn to things related to intuition, the subconscious, humanity, and spiritual practices.

If you want to learn more about what your north node means, how to work with the energy of your north node, or to find more information on your purpose and what can bring you fulfillment, reach out💖 You can also find a video I made about using astrology, human design, and other tools to find your purpose here.
