Find Your North Node, Find Your Purpose✨ Part 1: The Zodiac Signs


In astrology, your north node tells you the energy you need to embody in order to achieve your purpose and to feel fulfilled. If you’ve been feeling stuck, facing a lot of resistance, or just want to feel more flow and ease in your life, working with your north node will help you!

If you look up your birth chart, the north node is the symbol that looks like a horseshoe. Your south node—energy and actions to avoid—looks like an upside-down horseshoe.


Look at the *zodiac sign* your north node is in to see HOW you should be living your life.

Look at the *house* your north node is in to see WHAT you should focus on.

Keep reading to find the zodiac sign your north node is in to see HOW you should be living your life. Go here to find the house your north node is in to see WHAT you should focus on.


If your north node is in Aries, you are here to be independent, take calculated risks, and trust yourself. You may have a tendency to get a lot of input from others or be really preoccupied with fairness and justness, but focusing too much on these things can hold you back and cause challenges. For you, when you embody the highest expression of Aries energy, things will become easier and synchronicities will tell you you’re on the right path. Be a leader, take action, and believe in yourself. Let go of people pleasing and make yourself a priority. Be courageous, adventurous, and direct. When you have the courage to be yourself and to forge your own path, you will experience a life you love.


If your north node is in Taurus, get out in nature. It heals you and gives you the exact energy you need. You can be subconsciously attracted to crisis, self-sabotage, and intensity, so balance that out by embracing the physical world. You’re meant to live a life where you feel comfortable and safe. Surround yourself with beautiful things and anything that gets you into your five senses. Seeking validation from others will not get you anywhere. Focus on building your self-worth and living by your values. Go slow, have patience, and take things step-by-step. There’s no rush and you can trust that things will get done in the exact time that they’re meant to. With patience and persistence, you can create anything.


If your north node is in Gemini, get curious. Ask questions, listen to others, and be open to new ideas. Get playful with life and seek out new experiences. Let go of the need to be right and practice seeing both sides of situations. When you make an effort to embrace diverse ideas and really connect with people, others will embrace your ideas and value your insights. There’s magic in the details, and when you focus on them, you’ll be able to see how important and helpful they can be. Before you jump into something, thoroughly check all the facts and do not take any shortcuts. When you communicate with tact and have a positive approach, you’ll feel appreciated, understood, and everything will fall into place.


If your north node is in Cancer, get in your feelings—notice them, validate them, and express them. Be honest about your emotions and insecurities. It’s okay to let your feelings show. Doing this actually creates alchemy in your life when you do. Let go of needing to control other people and situations and being too focused on a goal. For you it’s about the journey and your experience along the way, not the endpoint. You are not responsible for other people and don’t have to manage everything all the time. Let others do their part and honor yourself by nurturing your body and recognizing your needs. When you show the world your true self and are vulnerable, you will be loved for who you are and feel a deep sense of belonging.


If your north node is in Leo, take center stage and be the main character in your life. Take steps to create the life you dream about and don’t get swept up in other people’s stories. You’re meant to live a heart-centered, creative, and child-like life. Have fun, play, and share your light with others. Build your inner confidence and rely on self-validation. Don’t go with the flow and wait for happiness to find you. Follow your heart and go after your desires. It might be tempting to wait for more information or for more acceptance and support from others, but you need to take action first and trust that all of that will follow. Allow yourself to be seen and love with all your heart. When you take ownership of your life and treat it like a fun game, life will be there to support you every step of the way.


If your north node is in Virgo, you’re very intuitive. Channel your intuition into discerning who and what is worth your energy. You are extremely sensitive and giving, so set healthy boundaries for yourself in relationships. Pay attention to when you adopt a victim mindset or engage in escapist or addictive tendencies. Instead, focus on taking risks in spite of your fears and embracing moderation. Act on your compassion and be of service to others. When you do, you’ll experience peace and oneness. Focus on bringing order and organization to your life—you’re the only one who can! When you participate in life, focus your energy, and have a plan, unlimited pathways open up for you.


If your north node is in Libra, balance, harmony, and beauty are keys to a fulfilling life. When communicating do so with diplomacy and tact. Sincerely listen to others and try to understand where they are coming from. Focus on cooperation and compromise and not only on what would be best for you. Release judgement of yourself and others and focus on the strengths and goodness that we all have. Balance giving and receiving and practice giving without expecting anything in return. When you support others with pure motives, you’ll feel joy and get more than you expect in return. You are meant to experience a calm and beautiful life, so choose relationships and situations that are peaceful, compassionate, and vulnerable. When you act in fairness and create harmony and beauty in your life, you will feel inner satisfaction and a true sense of purpose.


If your north node is in Scorpio, it is time to get out of your comfort zone! Embrace change and transformation and let go of anything that keeps you stagnant. You may be inclined to hold onto possessions you don’t really need. Let them go an trust that physical things won’t bring you what you’re yearning for. Be open to life and willing to change your mind. Rigid thinking won’t get you anywhere. If you feel that you have to do things a certain way but there’s really not a good reason for it, change things up. You may find a better way. Be willing to explore new opportunities and changes that excite you. When you choose to live in a way where you are growing, evolving, and reevaluating anything that is holding you back, you will feel light, energized, and alive.


If your north node is in Sagittarius, trust yourself, be honest, and push the envelope. Say what you mean and live in integrity. You see opportunities where other people see limitations. Focus what’s possible. Be spontaneous and explore. Live life with optimism, because when you do, things work out. Embody your values and also don’t try to force them on other people. Allow others to be themselves and they’ll give you the same gift. Your intuition will always show you the right thing to do in the moment, so be open to hearing it. When you follow possibility and view every situation as an adventure, that’s when the magic happens.


If your north node is in Capricorn, goals give you purpose and direction, so recognize goals that are really important to you and live by them. When you assume full responsibility for your success—it’s inevitable. Take a sensible approach and take charge of situations. This will give you the safety and security you crave. Even if you think you can’t handle what life throws at you, you can. You don’t need to depend on anyone else to take care of you. You feel best when you take care of you. When your emotions take over, ground yourself, breathe, and remember that you are bigger than what you are feeling. You can’t control others, but you can control your actions. When you have self-respect, make mature decisions, and are practical and responsible, you will feel confident, grounded, purposeful, and satisfied.


If your north node is in Aquarius, you are here to help the world. Share any unconventional ideas you have and focus on humanitarian causes. When you dedicate yourself to a larger cause, you’ll also be rewarded on a personal level. Be aware of needing approval from others—you’ll never get enough to feel what you want. Instead, risk disapproval by being true to the quirkiest parts of yourself and you’ll feel deeply satisfied. You are innovative, creative, unorthodox, and objective. Use these talents for the greater good and spend time with like-minded people. Life will be easier when you release pride, stubbornness, drama, and needing to be the center of attention. When you do what’s best for everyone involved, focus on achieving things for good causes, and lean into your uniqueness, the universe conspires in your favor.


If your north node is in Pisces, enjoy life and go with the flow. When you try to control life and other people, things get blocked. Trust that the universe will provide everything you need and desire—even if it doesn’t make sense and you’re not sure how it will happen. Engage in meditation and other spiritual practice to connect with something greater than yourself. When you do this, you can begin to sense how everything is working out for you. Develop compassion and understanding and let go of perfectionism. When you are critical, overanalyzing, or worrying, catch yourself and bring your attention to what you are grateful for. When you let go of control, bring more acceptance into your life, and surrender, you will feel happy, peace, and a connection with the universe.

If you want to learn more about what your north node means, how to work with the energy of your north node, or to find more information on your purpose and what can bring you fulfillment, reach out💖 You can also find a video I made about using astrology, human design, and other tools to find your purpose here.
