How to Channel Today's Libra Full Moon to Change Your Life


2018 Libra Full Moon

The energy of full moons support releasing and letting go of anything that is holding you back from living your dreams, and this morning’s Libra full moon isn’t any different. You may have been feeling slowed down or frustrated by the infamous mercury retrograde happening right now, but this retrograde is bringing extra power to this full moon, giving you the energy you need to make big changes with small steps.

If you’re familiar with the zodiac, then you may know that the sign of Libra is all about balance, harmony and partnerships. That means that this full moon may be prompting you to let go of a partnership that isn’t serving you or to release something that is causing an imbalance in your life. During this time, take a closer look at your partnerships and your life in general. Are there any areas of your life that need more balance and harmony? Are you holding on to something that is not bringing you balance and harmony? Think about what this may be and how you can change it.

This energy could also be connected back to energy from 2013 when many people experienced major life changes that caused a shift in their lives. If this sounds like you, then the energy of this full moon signals that now is the time to begin to create whatever you wished or hoped for back in 2013. This is crazy for me because in 2013, I experienced a lot of changes. I had a hard time adjusting to a cross-country move, my cat passed away, I developed health issues, I got a new job, we got two kittens and we decided to move to LA. During that time, I realized that I really wanted to create a blog and…after a lot of procrastination, I am now finally doing it! (Makes me feel a little better about my procrastination.) If this resonates with you, this article provides more detail.

Working With This Moon

In order to effectively work with this energy, you need to be clear about what you want. The clearer you are, the better the universe can work with you.

If you need some help figuring out your intentions for this full moon, ask yourself:

  • Where in my life do I feel out of balance?

  • Is there a partnership in my life that I’ve outgrown?

  • What do I need to release that is blocking me from balance and harmony in my life?

  • How can I bring more peace and beauty into my life?

  • What is one small change that I can make that will propel me towards what I want?

Once you get clear on what you need to do, go out and do it! This energy will be in the air for the next two weeks, so be sure to use it.

Like I mentioned earlier, it is possible to take small steps that will result in huge life changes right now. I did this a month ago (moon energy can sometimes show up a month early or a month late for a small number of people—you’ll know if it is showing up earlier or later based on how you feel.) 

I had become one of those memes that jokes about not knowing whether my daily headache was a dehydration headache or a caffeine headache and it got to the point where I was too addicted to coffee to function without it. I decided to let go of coffee, and when I did, I saw my life change in ways I wasn’t prepared for. I was no longer sluggish in the morning so I had more energy to get things done. I stopped getting headaches so I was able to write more and dedicate more time to doing things that I love. I have more energy now and my daily schedule has completely changed. I had no idea that this would all be the result of giving up coffee. My life feels more balanced because I have more time to focus on me. And that makes me happy.

So, if you feel like you’re not ready to make a huge change or you don’t know where to start, start small and this full moon energy will expand what you do and make bigger changes than you could even imagine. The universe is supporting you right now so follow your heart and create the life that you want. You may need to go slow, but slow, steady progress wins the race!

And if you want an extra boost for your full moon intentions, try out my 2018 Libra Full Moon Bath Cleanse.

2018 Libra Full Moon Bath Cleanse


  • Journal

  • 1-4 cups Epsom salt or Himalayan salt

  • 5-10 drops Orange and lemongrass essential oils (if you have sensitive skin or don’t have essential oils you can skip this)

  • Optional: palo santo, sage, candles, crystals

  • If you want to buy a cleansing bath instead of using salts and essential oils, House of Intuition has a cleansing magic bath that I love.


  1. Cleanse your aura and the space with palo santo or sage. If these are not available, imagine a white light cleansing your aura and the space.

  2. Close your eyes and center yourself. If you’d like, you can call on your guides, angels, departed loved ones, etc. and ask them to hold space for you during this process.

  3. Set your intention for the bath cleanse. Think about what you’d like to cleanse yourself of and what kind of energy you’d like to fill that space. Maybe you’ve been worrying about money so much that it’s caused disharmony in your life or you’ve been involved in a negative relationship that is pulling you out of balance. Set your intention to release whatever it is and to bring in love, harmony and joy, for example. Write this intention in your journal.

  4. Draw your bath. As the water rises, imagine its healing powers increasing. Dissolve the salt and add the essential oils. Both orange and lemongrass are great for releasing and letting go. If you have candles or crystals you can place them around or near the bath. Crystal quartz and smoky quartz can aid in amplifying energy and helping to release old energy.

  5. Sit in the bath, relax and give what you’d like to release to the universe. You can listen to music or choose to silently meditate on your intention. 

  6. After 15-20 minutes, drain the bath and let the water wash away all that no longer serves you. Give thanks.

  7. Record any thoughts, insights or symbols that come to you during or after the bath in your journal. Use these to guide your next steps. 

This bath will also detox your physical body so it is important that you take care of yourself afterwards. Remember to drink plenty of water and make sure you get a good night’s sleep. 

You can also use this full moon to take some time to show gratitude for what you have. This will raise your vibration and allow more good to come to you. What have you manifested in the past 6 months? Celebrate!
