All About Reiki Attunements

A Reiki attunement is the process in which a student receives the ability to use Reiki energy for healing.

During a Reiki class, a Reiki Master administers an attunement by channeling Reiki energies through themselves to the student. The Reiki Master places one or more Sanskrit or Japanese symbols into the central column of the student’s energy field and the student’s palms while engaging in a special breathing technique. This ceremony causes an initiation within the student and the student’s energy level is raised so that they can “attune to” and connect to the high vibration of Reiki energy. Once the student receives the attunement, they are able to easily access the Reiki energy and transformation begins to occur in their life. A student’s life will not be the same after receiving this initiation, as an attunement initiates healing, clears blocks, can heighten psychic abilities and creates the healer that the student was always meant to be.

During an attunement, the student’s healing energies will expand as Reiki begins to flow through them. Some students see colors, feel warmth, have visions of spiritual beings or become very relaxed. It is not necessary to have these experiences in order for the attunement to work. This process is guided by a higher power and the Reiki energy works as it needs to for each student. The experience is unique to each student based on their needs.

Learning Reiki is a spiritual journey and provides the student with the opportunity to channel universal life force energy to heal their own lives—past, present and future—and the lives of others. Each level of Reiki requires a unique attunement that corresponds with the Reiki symbols of that level. A student may choose to progress through more than one level of Reiki and receive a series of attunements. There are four levels that lead up to a student becoming a Master Teacher. It is not necessary for a student to complete all four levels.

Each Reiki attunement opens the student up to higher levels of healing and an increase in Reiki energy. Once a student has received a Reiki attunement, they have the ability to access Reiki energy for the remainder of their life as Reiki attunements never wear off. Some students feel called to receive an attunement for a level more than once, called a re-attunement. This will re-attune the student to that level of Reiki and further the student’s healing.

If you’d like to learn more about Reiki or receive a healing session or an attunement, connect with me!