[VIDEO] Ocean Waves Guided Meditation | Follow your internal rhythm


We all have a natural wave of energy that ebbs and flows, but sometimes we ignore it to meet demands outside of ourselves. Over time, we start to lose touch with our internal rhythm and become burnt out, unhappy, stressed, anxious...the list goes on. Oftentimes we don't realize how many things we do because we feel like we SHOULD do, not because we actually need to or want to do them.

Is how you're living in tune with your internal rhythm? You can use this 12-minute meditation to tune into your internal rhythm to better understand how to move at your own pace and live in alignment with your natural flow of energy. If you'd like, take time during/after the meditation to reflect on whether there are any changes you can make in your every day life to clear out anything that isn't necessary. For me, I got the message to cut down my netflix and chill time to fit in more time for creativity. :)

It's a process to fully live in alignment with your internal rhythm, so take it one moment, one day at a time!

