8 of Swords - Quick Interpretation


If there is one card that I know a little too well…it is the 8 of swords😩 There was a period in my life where this was the ONLY card I pulled…I felt stuck. I felt trapped. I felt like I had no control of my life. But looking back, I can see that that wasn’t necessarily true, and that’s what the 8 of swords was trying to tell me.


If you pull the 8 of swords, you are being asked to look at your situation or whatever you are asking about in a different way—one that doesn’t take your past experiences and fear into account. Can you see past them?? Once you do, you will see how much agency you actually have.


screenshot from the video I made!

The energy of this card feels really stagnant, but that’s because your mind is controlling the situation. It is making up stories that may not be 100% true. Reflect on your situation and think about actions you CAN take. Do you believe you can? What’s holding you back? Dig into what comes up when you ask these questions and reflect on your beliefs. Because it’s NOT the situation that’s actually making you feel stuck, it’s those beliefs, thoughts and fears that are really trapping you.

If you haven’t seen the video I made about this card, I highly suggest it! It offers a concise and easy to remember interpretation of this card—and has really cool visuals, courtesy of my partner, Tim!
