9 of Swords - Quick Interpretation
When you pull the 9 of swords, it’s time to let go of any fear and anxiety that is weighing you down. You have a choice—you can allow fear to control you, or you can step outside of it and see the fear for what it really is. The fear may be irrational or it may be helping you in some way, so investigate it and take action accordingly.
This card signals that whatever you are worried about, whatever you are scared of, whatever is keeping you up at night, isn’t as bad as it seems. Don’t allow the negative thoughts to limit you—you are more powerful than you can imagine! Detach from your mind so that you can hear your inner voice.
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[VIDEO] Tarot Card Meanings: Interpreting the 8s
Tarot & Oracle CardsAndrea Vernitsky9 of swords, nine of swords, tarot cards, tarot, tarot card interpretations, modern witch tarot deckComment