Hawk Message: See the Bigger Picture


There’s a hawk that flies around my neighborhood and lately it’s been making some appearances in my yard! I am definitely taking that as a sign to listen to it’s messages since it’s being pretty persistent! When I see the hawk, it usually means I need a perspective shift and I need to step back to see beyond everything that’s in front of me right now and think about things from a bigger picture. It’s about moving and taking action FROM the bigger picture and not focusing on the small day-to-day things that might make sense to do or focus on.

The hawk has been landing on this tree branch and it’s giving me portal vibes!! It’s also reminding me of the 3 of wands card from the Wild Unknown deck. I feel like the hawk is saying, “Stop taking action based on right now. Instead, envision your end goal and then take action from there, from that energy. Even if it doesn’t make sense or cross anything off of your to-do list, you’ll make bigger strides this way.✨