August 2020 Card Reading


Happy August! This month, the peacock is here to guide us and help us navigate through the month’s energy.


The peacock is so fitting for July because it’s Leo season (yay!) and Leo energy is all about shining bright, being big and being seen—and with those feathers and loud wail, you CANNOT miss a peacock. The peacock is also known as a solar bird, and Leo is ruled by the sun, so this is a perfect match!

If you’ve been thinking about speaking up, putting yourself out there or being a little more yourself in a situation or relationship, this is the perfect month to do it! Katy Perry’s “Firework” was in my head when I pulled this card, so let yourself be that firework and everything else Katy tells us to do in that song. #august2020anthem

Peacock energy is also about balance. Peacocks carry a heavy load of long feathers, and they do it with grace and balance. This month we may be reminded of all that we are carrying, and we may need to decide to let a few things go in order to maintain the balance we need to remain upright. We may also look back on these past few months and realize that we’ve gone through much more than we had noticed in the moment. Is the grace and balance you’ve maintained sustainable? For how much longer? Notice where you need better boundaries and start to put them in place.

My peacock friend in Palos Verdes CA

My peacock friend in Palos Verdes CA


Peacocks are also known to kill and eat poisonous snakes. This means the peacock this month brings the ability to transmute energy and take something poisonous and turn it into something nourishing. Is there a situation, relationship, fear, emotion, etc. that has been “poisonous” or toxic? We are now at a point where, if we choose, we can take what we’ve previously viewed as poisonous, and see from a bigger perspective how that “poison” has changed us for the better. We can move forward and take the lessons and begin to leave the pain, struggle and burden behind.

With everything that’s been going on in the world, a lot of our own personal fears and buried emotions have been kicked up to the surface. Whenever this happens, it is important to have compassion for yourself. We are moving into a new cycle on a collective level, and this month reminds us that our past doesn’t have to repeat. This month can be a reset, where we look back and appreciate what was and look to the future with optimism. Allow this energy to be a rebirth for you—your future does not have to look like your past. The peacock reminds us that we are safe and protected.

This month the peacock points to us finding meaning, understanding and acceptance. And if anything does come up, remember to have compassion with yourself and know that there is meaning, healing is happening, and you are expanding. Continue to move forward with grace because this month, and everything that comes with it, is for you and your evolution.