Reiki Light Healing Meditation


Has anyone else been on a rollercoaster of emotions during this pandemic? I go from feeling okay, to feeling anxiety, to feeling great, to feeling overwhelmed, to feeling like I can’t take it anymore, to feeling a million emotions…on and on and on. It’s a lot, so I try to remember to tell myself that whatever I’m feeling it’s okay. We are going through a BIG change collectively, and change brings up all sorts of stuff. I know that we are headed in a better and brighter direction (although when I’m in that rollercoaster dip, I may need you to remind me of this!) and one day we will look back and be so grateful for where this brought us. In the meantime, remember to take time to focus on you.

I had a few people request the Reiki Light Healing Meditation that I use during some of my Reiki Circles. If you need healing energy and/or a break from everyday life to reconnect to yourself, God, the Universe, hope, possibility—whatever you need—here it is! Find a comfortable spot where you won’t be disturbed for 13 minutes and enjoy!


If you want to join the next virtual Reiki Circle and/or want me to record more meditations let me know!
