Reiki Bubble Technique for Energetic Protection


Anyone else feeling the energy of tomorrow’s full moon🌝??? And feel like you need to protect yourself from negative/chaotic/out of control/wtf energy?? If so, I got you.

When I was teaching, I always knew it was a full moon because my students would be EXTRA out of control. (If you’re a former student reading this, I love you lol.) I didn’t track the moon back then, but I could always tell when it was a full moon because of the heightened, somewhat chaotic energy that always popped up around that time—so in a way I guess I did track it haha, just not voluntarily.

Since I haven’t been around groups of people lately, I hadn’t been feeling this a lot…until yesterday when I went to the grocery store and had to protect my energy ASAP because it felt like everyone was SUPER intense. I really like the Reiki Bubble Technique to do this because I can use it at any time. It’s a visualization that can be done in public without people wondering wtf I’m doing and it only takes a minute. And, if you haven’t been attuned to or trained in Reiki, you can still use it because you don’t need to know Reiki healing symbols to use it!


How to use it:

Visualize that you are in a bubble of bright healing light that completely surrounds you.

  • Call on your guides, the universe, God, spirit, angels, etc. to work with you to send healing energy and protection to you through a Reiki bubble.

  • Visualize that the bubble’s boundary only allows love, positivity and healing energy to enter.

  • Visualize any negative and unwanted energy bouncing off of the bubble. Ask your guides, etc. to heal that energy and transmute it into light.

  • Visualize a bright healing light (Reiki) flowing through you and the bubble and protecting you throughout your day. Reiki energy is life-force energy, so it is everywhere including inside of you! Everyone can access it and use it to heal, manifest, protect, etc.!

  • Repeat as often as necessary.


If you try it, let me know how it works for you and if you have any questions☺️💖