The Fog Always Lifts

Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m walking through fog. I know I’m moving forward, but I don’t know exactly where I’m going. I can only see a few steps in front of me. Soon I hope I’ll be able to get clarity and see more of the picture. But, for now…this is where I am. I think I’ve used this metaphor so much that the universe today was like “You’re in the fog?! Okay!”

My walk this morning was so beautiful and I don’t know if I’ve ever appreciated fog as much as I did this morning. Although, there was one other time years ago when I was in Pennsylvania at my parents’ house. I woke up one summer morning and was surprised to see fog covering the meadow behind the house. I went outside and it lifted so quickly it was like beautiful golden swirls everywhere. And come to think of it, at that time I was in college and not sure what I was going to do with my life. I was scared but I also felt potential, and that’s kind of where I am right now. I don’t 100% know how everything is going to turn out, but I do know it is going to be spectacular. I can just feel it.🥰🤩

Today, my walk in the fog was so beautiful and magical. I knew the fog was going to lift and it was temporary, so I was able to immerse myself in it and really enjoy it. It reminded me that everything is temporary—even situations and emotions that are uncomfortable (even though it might not always feel like it when I’m in the midst of them🙃). I know if I stopped resisting the discomfort, things would probably flow more easily. If I could maintain the perspective that it’s all temporary, maybe I’d be able to see the beauty in every moment.

As I was walking I reflected on this fog and lack of clarity I’ve been feeling for a while. I thought about what I learned when I literally manifested fog for the June 2021 card reading lol and what I’m still learning.

I don’t like to not know. I don’t like to not see what’s coming. I don’t like to be uncertain. I don’t like to go slow. And I have a hard time trusting sometimes. But I’ve also been presented with situations where I’ve realized that sometimes I like not knowing. Sometimes I don’t want to see what’s coming. Sometimes it can be fun to be uncertain and explore different possibilities and learn. Going slow can feel soooo good. Going slow allows me to really experience and take in everything around me. And trust.

Being in this period of uncertainty has taught me is that the only way to get through it (and the fog) is to go slow, keep moving forward (or stop) and wait for what’s up ahead (or right in front of me!) to reveal itself. It was frustrating for me at first (aka for many months😉) to slow down and be patient. I wanted to go fast and plan and know all of the details. But being forced to slow down, has made me connect more to my heart and myself. And that’s waaaaay better than doing things just to get them done or to get myself “somewhere.”

I feel like wherever it is that we want to go is actually with us right now, and we don’t have to do anything to actually get there other than being ourselves as fully. No controlling, no needing to “see,” just pure trust and faith that it is coming and taking action from there.