Create an Intuitive Vision Board


My 5-Year Vision Board from 2018, Acrylic on Canvas

I created this vision board in 2018 and my “vision” was to create a life where I feel absolute freedom and lots of joy. I’m not 100% there yet, but wow, I feel way more freedom and joy than I did in 2018🙏 I created this vision board through intuitive painting. I felt the urge to just let the paint express what I was feeling instead of creating a traditional vision board. Looking back, it makes total sense because I was being guided by a deeper part of me that knows I need to step away from trying to control all of the tiny details and trust life and allow it to unfold.

If you love this and want to create your own, here’s my process:

  • Meditate and focus on your breathing.

  • When you feel relaxed, ask yourself: “Where do I see myself five years from now?” You can focus on one area of your life—career, health, family, etc.—or just ask the question generally.

  • Pay attention to anything that pops up as you continue to meditate—words, images, songs, etc.

  • After 10-15 minutes (or whenever you feel ready), grab a pen and paper and jot down what came up for you. I did a quick bulleted list, but you can write it out in any way you want.

  • Gather your art supplies and create something that represents how your future FEELS. Include your hopes and dreams as well as what came through during the meditation. Don’t overthink. Allow yourself to be moved by your intuition. Your vision board may be literal or abstract—it’s completely up to you!

  • When you’re finished, place your vision board somewhere you’ll see it everyday. Whenever you pass it, remember how your future feels and visualize it happening!

  • After your visualization, you may get an idea on an action to take (directly related or unrelated to your future). Take action ASAP because it’s guiding you to where you want to be!💖

Like I mentioned, I created this in 2018 and it’s been the most dynamic vision board I’ve ever created. Every few months when I look at it, I see something different—and I believe it gives me clues as to where I’m at on my journey to manifesting what this vision board represents.

Last year I saw a huge mountain and water in the foreground—and yes, last year felt like climbing a mountain with my emotions front and center. On New Year’s Day this year, I looked and saw something completely different. Somehow I’m always surprised by things like this haha. Now I see me swimming (I’m the white blob lol) out of some dense energy (thoughts, beliefs, past stuff, etc.) into fresher air. I’m dropping whatever is holding me back from experiencing life the way I’m MEANT to. Suffering serves a purpose in life, but if it doesn’t bring me to more love, more joy, more wonder…then what’s the point? Living in the suffering and the dense energy isn’t where we’re supposed to be. We’re supposed to move through it to find the truth of life and who we are.

This year, my intention is to remember that when I’m not feeling good, when I’m feeling stuck, when I’m going through a tough situation or a difficult emotion, there’s a breakthrough on the other side.💜 xo