Reminder to Slow Down (from the Sandpiper!)


At the beach this morning, I connected with this cutie and asked if they had any messages for me. When I tuned in, it was a big jumble of words and feelings and energy and I couldn’t make ANY sense of it. It felt like a lot of information coming at me, way too fast (a very good metaphor for how I feel in life right now!). When this happens to me during a session, I pause and sit with what’s coming through and wait for it to organize itself, unravel and become clearer. If I give the energy the space it needs, eventually it starts to make sense. If I try to control it or make it happen, it tends to stay exactly how it is or gets even more confusing!

As I was sitting with the energy, I had a total aha moment and realized THAT was the message! Why am I not approaching every jumbled/confusing/too fast/unclear situation in my life in this way???! There are so many situations that feel exactly like this and my default reaction is to think about it endlessly, to push and force things, to try and control, and sometimes to avoid it all together. At times those reactions might make sense depending on the situation, but I have forgotten about waiting, slowing down and making space for the answers to come instead of trying to fight the energy.

So I sat down near the sandpiper, and brought to mind a situation that feels exactly like that energy the sandpiper communicated to me. I sat with the energy of that situation and didn’t try to change it. I let it be. I realized how much I’ve been trying to change it and make it be something that it isn’t. By doing that, I wasn’t able to see the situation clearly, and that’s why I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere and didn’t know what to do. Slowly, the energy started to lighten and I got a GREAT idea! I don’t know if it will work. I don’t know if it will change anything. But it was something I had never thought of, and I’m excited to put it into action. I don’t feel like I’m at the whim of that situation (at least not at the moment😄) and this is an amazing feeling.

If you are struggling with something and it feels big and out of control and you feel powerless, take time to sit with it and allow the energy of the situation to be what it is without trying to change it. Watch it and allow it to move and be in the way it needs to. After you give it the time and the space it needs, you might suddenly get clarity or a new perspective that shows you how to navigate and move forward.
