I Am Bigger Than What I Feel

For the past two months, I’ve been super stressed and feeling really strong emotions (gotta love that pisces moon🙃). And I’ve been getting swept away by my emotions…a lot.

When I’m super busy and not giving myself what I need, it’s so easy for me to get lost in what I’m feeling. I end up believing it’s fact and it’s all there is and all there ever might be. Deep down I know that everything is temporary, but sometimes a big wave of emotion comes over me and I get lost in it.

Eventually I remember that I’m bigger than anything I’m feeling and anything I’m experiencing—emotion or otherwise. I am timeless, I am expansive, and I am in control. What I’m feeling may be deep and powerful, but it is not in control. I am. I am deeper and more powerful than anything that comes my way. This anchors me and helps me become the one who watches the emotion, not the one who becomes it.

I repeated the phrase “I am bigger than what I feel,” over and over again to myself yesterday afternoon when I felt sad for what seemed like soooooo many reasons. When I started to feel ME and the sadness as two separate things, I was able to gain perspective and notice that the sadness was ballooning my heart. While I felt the sadness in my heart, I also took note of the strength I felt in the other parts of my body. Those parts gave me the support I needed to allow myself to feel the sadness and let it pass without as much resistance.

Our feelings are not bigger than us (even though it can feel like it sometimes). What I’ve learned is that when I think that they are, it’s a sign that I’m not seeing myself clearly, that I’m not fully connected to myself, that I’m not acknowledging the power I have and I am mistaking who I am with something temporary and an energy outside of myself. The emotions come and go but I am here to stay. We are not our emotions and we are always bigger than whatever we are feeling. 💜
