How to Shift the Energy When You're Feeling Uncomfortable Emotions


If you are FEELING the feelings and it’s uncomfortable, here are a few tips I use to help shift the energy. They are SIMPLE, but not necessarily always easy. So, if the emotions are super intense, I recommend doing this with a friend or someone you trust.

  1. Tune into your body and notice WHERE in your body you’re feeling the emotion.

  2. Breathe in and imagine all of your breath going straight to that place.

  3. Keep breathing in and out and notice what happens: Does it move? Does it start to feel different? Turn into a different emotion?

  4. Say out loud what you’re experiencing.

  5. Keep breathing until the uncomfortable emotion goes away or shifts into something else.

  6. If it takes longer than 5 minutes for the energy to shift or go away, I stretch and move my body to release anything that stored in my muscles or tissues.

Here’s a short video version if you want to follow along while you do this. Hope this helps you💖💜
